Wines of Pays d’Oc are produced on the land of France’s oldest vineyard, dating back to the 6th century BC. These wines were Rightly considered as medium to low quality wines for a long time; Since thirsty years Wines of Pays d’Oc enjoy the benefits of a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), and are becoming increasingly attractive as initiatives of winegrowers who are keen to produce quality, varietal wines take root in their territory.
La Domitia is located on the main wine road which starts from the inland hills behind the Thau lagoon, and runs east-west along the Mediterranean coast.
We have deliberately chosen to offer you a selection of winegrowers within a 10km radius of our village, and whose work we consider to be remarkable, each in their own way. However, the region is teeming with estates and wineries, and there’s no shortage of resources to guide you in your wine tourism discoveries: https://www.paysdoc-wines.com/oenotourisme/

Le Domaine de Clos d’Elle, at Cournonterral (5km): https://www.leclosdelle.com
Le Domaine de Terre Mégère at Cournonsec (5km): http://www.terremegere.fr/
Le Domaine Saint André at Mèze (9km): https://domainesaintandre.com/
Le Domaine de Roquemale at Villeveyrac (6km): https://www.roquemale.com
Le Domaine Paul Mas at Villeveyrac (6km):https://www.roquemale.com

Gastronomy is essential to wine tourism. So it’s only natural that the region should be brimming with culinary specialities that draw their rich, delicate flavours from the diversity of their Italian, Iberian, Aveyron and Languedoc origins and influences, and from the richness of its Mediterranean terroir, with its combination of seafood, fruit and olive production, and sheep farming in particular.
The influx of tourists is accompanied by a particularly dense offer in the restaurant sector, where the good and the not-so-good can be found side by side. Below is a selection of restaurants we hope you’ll enjoy:
Chez Alex et Lucie at Bouzigues, fish and seafood €€ https://www.alex-et-lucie.com/
Couleurs d’ici à Lavérune, gastro €€ http://www.couleursdici-restaurant.com/
Le petit Bouzigues, at Bouzigues tapas with local fish and seafood €€ https://www.facebook.com/p/Restaurant-Le-Petit-Bouzigues-100063856141387/
L’arrivage at Sète, gastro €€€ https://www.restaurant-larrivage.com/
In Fine at Frontignan, gastro €€€ https://infinerestaurant.fr/
La Tchèpe at Bouzigues, seafood, € https://www.chezlatchepe.fr/
Le Mas Soula at Mèze, seafood, € https://huitres-soula.fr/
Le 29 at Bouzigues, fish and seafood €€ http://www.le-29.fr/
Le Paris Méditerranée at Sète, gastro €€ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100046360760712
L’Oscarine at Mèze, Gastro €€ https://www.facebook.com/p/LOscarine-100057140453323/?locale=fr_FR
Coté Mas at Villeveyrac , gastro €€€ https://www.cote-mas.fr/